Let's work together to come up with 100 things we can do to fix the various aspects of our personal, national and world crises.
I will begin with an idea here and there, and each of you readers, become proactive participants and add your ideas. When we reach 100, we will pursue another stream.
Your ongoing commentary will be crucial to this endeavor. Comment and discuss ideas here. This is a forum! Let the brainstorming begin!
Hey! Come On! I have another. But where is your idea?

Thursday, December 16, 2010



Spontaneous (seeming) acts of beauty lift hearts and souls and give both participant and viewer/listener a gift of peace and joy.

So click and see this wonderful youtube video and enjoy!


Monday, November 29, 2010


I have been saying for years that there is only one way to go about securing commercial air travel from terrorist threats.
Please promote this video and say a prayer of gratitude to Man's Best Friend.
The loving pack behaviour of dogs assures that each one will do whatever he/she must to care for the pack, including their human companions.
Our #4 fix is to stand up and be counted as one who will not roll over and become even more subservient to invasive government tactics of control.
Each one of us must use our power as a conscientious objector until government realizes that we just won't take it anymore.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

# 3 Acts Of Kindness

3. Acts of Kindness
Richard shares this comment with us and it becomes #3 on our list of 100 fixes.
"...Timing good deeds so they seem like small, improvised gestures rather than the deliberate acts they really are can help others without making them feel awkward. There is nobility in being helpful without being too obvious. "

I interpret this as spontaneous acts of kindness. These acts, small though they may be, can have untold and immense impact on parties unknown. Kindness tends to be 'paid forward,' and bless others that we know not of.
A very beneficial and wise practice to assimilate into our daily lives. Thank you, Richard, for sharing this.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here is my second entry for our list:
2. It All Begins At Home: first, with yourself.
I am learning to love myself. I want everyone to learn who they are and be glad about themselves and learn to truly love themselves. Feelings of personal unworthiness create a negative vortex that make for a miserable life and spread miserable feelings into the person's surroundings. Regardless of a person's belief system, denigrating oneself is an insult to your Higher Power. God did not make junk. 'And behold: It was very good.'
Know that it is good to be you and no matter your apparent situation, you can expect good in your life. Like ripples in water, these blessed feelings of contentment spread outward until forever.
Narcissism and ego have nothing to do with this. Loving your self is being grateful for your life, your existence and for being a beloved child of the Universe and for enjoying your now-ness and your potential as well as the lessons of your past. Past stuff can be dark and scary and we do not dwell upon the past nor live in the past even when it was all a plate of cupcakes. We simply acknowledge it and let it go. Very much like school. Been there. Done that. Be 'at home' within yourself and treasure that home for all that you are. Embrace Now!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

We Will Begin With This:

1. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
That is so true. In my work at the airport, most of the people I encounter are troubled about something. Anything from a delayed flight or missed connections to flying to a funeral, deploying for Afghanistan, coming home injured, losing a job, tests, interviews, interminable business travel with no time at home, insurmountable debt... well, the list goes on and on. Everyone is engaged in some type of challenge. Perhaps twenty to thirty percent are really glad to be flying somewhere. There are honeymoon travelers, sports fans, authors on book-signing tours, musicians who got a big break in Nashville, Amish or Mormon missionaries headed for some project overseas, and 'Spring Breakers' headed for revelry. Many happy faces balance somewhat those who are sad or worried.
Whether troubled or glad, each passenger deserves to be treated with kind attention and not like an item on a conveyor belt.
Common courtesy should be a given. And often its important to 'go the extra mile.'