Let's work together to come up with 100 things we can do to fix the various aspects of our personal, national and world crises.
I will begin with an idea here and there, and each of you readers, become proactive participants and add your ideas. When we reach 100, we will pursue another stream.
Your ongoing commentary will be crucial to this endeavor. Comment and discuss ideas here. This is a forum! Let the brainstorming begin!
Hey! Come On! I have another. But where is your idea?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Demand Simplicity

Demand simplicity.
Take your own bags to shop.
If you wind up with plastic store bags at home, use them for trash so you won't have to buy trash bags
Stop using straws in restaurants and fast food joints.
Take your own insulated cup to the coffee shop.
Use coffee grounds to enrich the soil around your plants or put them in the compost.
Take a walk. Outdoors. In nature or around town. Don't use electricity to turn on your boring treadmill just so you can walk.