Let's work together to come up with 100 things we can do to fix the various aspects of our personal, national and world crises.
I will begin with an idea here and there, and each of you readers, become proactive participants and add your ideas. When we reach 100, we will pursue another stream.
Your ongoing commentary will be crucial to this endeavor. Comment and discuss ideas here. This is a forum! Let the brainstorming begin!
Hey! Come On! I have another. But where is your idea?

Friday, May 20, 2011

I want everyone who flies commercially to see this!

This issue is vastly important to me and I seriously want everyone to learn about this so that your decisions can be based on the reality of America's current situation.
If you have read some of my other posts, you know I advocate boycott, and if circumstances demand, then insist upon the alternative.
Regardless, we, as a people have the obligation to take a stand for our Consitutional Rights and not just for ourselves, but for future generations.
To view this short video, click on the title of this entry. You will be taken to a site called BrassCheck. They are watchdogs, eyes and ears and researchers for all of us.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How Do You Like This Plan?

I pick up pennies in parking lots and nickels from gutters. They add up. Last year I was able to pay a utility bill with the jar full of change I collected in this manner.
Our current president has already begun his accumulation of campaign finance monies as I write this in May of 2011. The figures he intends to spend according to my sources are over a billion dollars. Add to that the sums projected for campaigning by other elected individuals (or hopefuls) to help them maintain their lofty status, and the figure would be quite astounding, wouldn’t it?
Rather than bludgeoning the public with campaign ads and accruing thousands of additional ‘frequent flyer miles’ wouldn’t you rather cast your votes for someone who had contributed all that money toward paying on the national debt?
Oh yeah, some will say. A billion or so is nothing compared to the immensity of our debt. Well, hey! It's a start. It helps. Hence my little jar of salvaged coins.
Selflessness was a virtue in early America and was often exhibited by our nation’s leaders.
We have indeed become a welfare state, but the biggest welfare recipients are, by far, those who sit in Congress and occupy the White House. It has been that way now for many years… decades even. The nation’s leaders consider themselves to be entitled to riches sourced primarily in the sweat and stress of We The People.
Lower THEIR pay. Tax THEM. No exemptions. And no exceptions.
Now how’s that for being solution-oriented?
God Bless America