Let's work together to come up with 100 things we can do to fix the various aspects of our personal, national and world crises.
I will begin with an idea here and there, and each of you readers, become proactive participants and add your ideas. When we reach 100, we will pursue another stream.
Your ongoing commentary will be crucial to this endeavor. Comment and discuss ideas here. This is a forum! Let the brainstorming begin!
Hey! Come On! I have another. But where is your idea?

Friday, April 29, 2011


What I mean by that is actually, what is the point of complaining about the world crises. Bitching and Moaning do not fix anything. On the other hand, we must identify the problems before we can set about applying solutions.
Sadly, there is a disconnect. We seem to forget to carry on beyond the Bitching and Moaning stage. That is why I seldom listen to talk radio any longer. The commentators as a whole seem to be at best, caught up in the B and M stage. I have not heard any of them advance into feasible solutions.I think ego drives a lot of mouths to flap endlessly. I guess we all love to hear ourselves talk.
Now stewardship, if properly applied, would guide us to speak little and do much.
I do not particularly care what spiritual path or religion anyone tends to follow, but I am not impressed by one that does not encourage prayer for the greater good as well as for the spiritual advancement of the self.
Meditation can be good too, so long as it does not stop with the 'emptying' but goes on to fill with peace, holiness, love, good will, joy.... etc.
It was once said best: "Watch and pray."