Let's work together to come up with 100 things we can do to fix the various aspects of our personal, national and world crises.
I will begin with an idea here and there, and each of you readers, become proactive participants and add your ideas. When we reach 100, we will pursue another stream.
Your ongoing commentary will be crucial to this endeavor. Comment and discuss ideas here. This is a forum! Let the brainstorming begin!
Hey! Come On! I have another. But where is your idea?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This is not a 'fix' but hopefully will be food for thought as we work to find our fixes.
Set aside an hour and a half for this video and you will be glad you did, but sad that it is true in this space time continuum. The lessons of history are important to learn. This was not taught in the public schools.
It's called 'We're All Indians Now.'

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Again, perhaps not for everyone, but the prior post about the smaller homes, naturally transmutes into the idea of small farming as well. Personal sustainable gardening mightily decreases one's outlay of precious cash for food and can provide additional income as well.
Besides the food, guess what else you are making? Oxygen! Woohoo! Breathe deep!

SMALL IS THE NEW BIG (Possible Fix # 10)

An interesting concept though certainly not for everyone. Yet this could help to solve some of the problems we see in every country and every culture and every environment.
The video will introduce you to this idea of smaller and simpler living, but please visit the web sites that it refers you to for additional details.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fix # 9 Beyond Kindness

So many simple things can make such a big difference.
Smile at someone who looks sad. Your smile may be the best thing that happens for them in their entire day, or longer. I have heard it said that a smile is the only thing you can give away freely without diminshing your supply.
Listen, if someone needs to talk.
Hold your friends, your relatives, your country and its leaders in your heart and mind and send them positive, loving thoughts. Ask the Angels to watch over and protect the living beings on this planet.
Express love and gratitude every day.
A song I heard as a small child held the phrase: 'If everyone lit just one little candle, what a bright world this would be...'
Let's help kindness to 'go viral' and spread throughout the land.
Love and Light to each of you!